My first trail cam pics!


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I got a Cuddeback for Christmas last year and never really got a chance to try it out. This year however is another story! We finally picked out a spot where I'll be hunting this year, set up the trail camera and put out some apples and carrots with hopes of attracting a few deer.

One thing is for sure.... deer up here are literally like ghosts. It's a heck of a lot different from back home in West Virginia where you can walk off the road into the woods and jump a half dozen. :eek: In the year+ that I have lived here, I've seen THREE deer on our property and that was last year when a doe had her two fawns in the yard almost daily. Otherwise, no sign of them, nothing!

Needless to say, I was tickled pink to see I actually had some deer pictures on cam so quickly!

Anyway, enough of my rambling. :o I'm a tad excited if you can't tell. LOL!

This doe seems to have warts or some type of growth on the inside of her front legs. I have another picture where you can zoom in and they are quite large and pink. Pretty gross.


My future monster buck. :D This little guy is quite thin..... :(


Enjoying the carrots!




Thanks for looking!

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Cool pics Alisha! Love the one of the doe with the carrot in her mouth. :D

Thanks Shaun! Actually, the one with the carrot in it's mouth is my Monster Buck.... I can't believe you didn't notice his massive rack! :clown:

Oh, and BEN - I'm glad you don't! Lord only knows what you'd do to it. :( :nono:

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