2010 WI Doe


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I have been spending half of my season behind the camera for a buddy of mine here in WI with his own hunting show (local channel) and the other half hunting my home farm trying to fill one of my doe tags. Well sunday night I finally connected. I was hunting a staging area off of a 8 acre bean feild behind my house right off a 120 acre bedding area. Its about a 1/8 acre opening about 40 yards into the woods with an unbelievable amount of acorns on the ground and 2 rubs and an active scrape. I was set up in a lock on stand about 15 feet in the air. Its only about 300 yards from my house and I could actually hear my grandpa running the mower but that didnt seem to bother the deer. At about 530pm sunday afternoon I had a doe and 2 buck fawns come out into the opening and feed on acorns at about 20 yards away but for the longest time wouldnt turn/look away allowing me to stand and draw my bow. Finally after about 15 minutes they allowed me to draw my bow with the doe at a short distance of 6 yards. With her being that close it made for a tough shot angle but I put my pin high on her back and let the arrow fly. I watched as she ran into some thick brush and out of sight but never heard a crash. I got down 30 minutes later and checked my arrow, nice pink blood but there wasnt much of a blood trail. I followed a slim blood trail and after about 120 yards found my doe piled up.

To my suprise the lack of a blood trail was caused from the steep angle shot. Although I double lunged her the entrance hole was high on her back and the exit was on the bottom of her and part of her innerds were actually hanging out of the hole, plugging the exit hole so not much blood was able to leak out. Anyways I am glad to have the "monkey off my back" so to speak and now Im on to hunting bucks.




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Nice doe! Congratulations!

Those steep shots can leave little to no blood. I shot a doe once, hit her beside the spine, through one lung, and the BH burried in her chest bone. It never penetrated through the bottom. I knew she was it hard but there was no blood. I got down and followed the trail she ran down. I couldnt see her but I listened to the squirrels. When deer thrash they go crazy. I followed their barking slowly and quietly. Sure enough she hadnt ran but about 40 - 50 yards and was dead as a hammer. The squirrels led me to her.

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