From the tree..II


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There is little story to the deer in the From the tree...for Ben video that I think you will find interesting. The opening day on my way to the ladder stand I kicked up a deer and heard it crash through the thick. I didn't think any thing of it. After settling in I looked over my shoulder to see "Peggar" the 3 legged doe make her way into the tool shed behind me. I couldn't get to my camera fast enough to get her picture on the way in. She did get in front of me later, but I was stuck with another spike looking at me when I went to draw on another doe that came into the spot. Wish I had a video cam running. I could have shot the Peggar, but she is like a pet . The spike is her fawn from last year.

The sunrise and little spike shots were the next morning.

Peggar at home


Escape route...right under the wall


All ears


A new day


Must be lightning, eh fella?


Its all good


Edited by ruttinbuc
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Yes, I'll do my best to do what I can without jeopardizing the hunting. The camera can break up the boredom we know all too well, but it can burn you at the same time. There are some spots I have where I don't dare play too long. I really have to give it the once over before shooting a picture.

I agree, Ben. It is cool to see the different habitat people all over the country hunt.

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