870 recoil pads?


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I sighted in my 870 Express turkey gun the other day ( red dot scope) with 3" Federal turkey loads. Lord, did that gun kick my head off! I have been shooting my entire adult life (63 years) and have never experienced anything like that. Upon examination the recoil pad that was on the gun was about as soft as a hockey puck. Is there a pre-fit pad that I can change out and use? What say you? Thanks...

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Been there I had rotator cuff surgery not so long ago and every time I shot, I thought I tore it again. What I did was put a Knox ops stock on it. Now if you don't mind a little money, it is well worth it! Now there is two different types one is for "looks" one is for recoil reduction. There are several knock-offs too so becareful.

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I know the Limbsavers are popular. I've got some but I like the Hi Viz better.


Also look at getting a mercury recoil suppressor that fits in the magazine in place of the plug (magazine tube).


Both of those items together will really take the sting out.

Another option is to install a magazine extension and use the weight of extra shells to take the recoil at the bench. When you actually hunt with the gun simply don't put as many shells in it and the gun is lighter.

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