ever have this happen


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I had a first tonight. First deer of the season to come in and he walks right under my stand from behind me and walks out in front of me and turns broad side at 13 yards, no problem breaking the ice with a small deer. Let my arrow go and watch it drill the deer and it turns and runs out to the field that has not been cut for months.

I wait a couple of minutes before getting down to find my arrow and retrieve it no problems, it's coated with blood. Start trailing and the blood trail is not good, well one good friend to help and 200 yards later we find my deer. Entry was a tad high and exit was great except for the piece of lung that was pushed through the exit hole and blocking the blood. Tough to recover but glad we were able to find it.

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well ummm yeah happened to me Sunday night well we didn't find the deer. Hoping I hit shoulder and she's ok. Never did find a lot of blood. Just little drops where she crossed the fence and was brushing up against the soybeans.

Last year I shot a doe and hit her a little high. She stood underneath me for about 10 minutes just looking at her fawn, then trotted off and bedded down. 15 minutes later a little buck came over and kicked her and ran her off leaving no blood trail. We never found that one either. Prior to that I can't remember the last deer I lost.

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I've lost deer before as well, it sucks bad....

What about that doe 2 years ago, in the rain?

Oh yeah! Yep. Down at Michael's. Remember that one now. :(

I'm trying to remember if I've ever lost a buck. Only one I can remember is one way back in 1988. Brisket hit a little 8 pt.

I'm sure Tom will think of another one though. :D

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Did this on opening week with the buck I killed. Broadside 24 yards shot, hit a little high by perfect shot placement but double lung him. Blood spatter were the arrow came out and not a drop of blood from there. He only went about 50-60 yards and piled up, no blood even coming from his mouth were he laid. His lungs had holes through both of them and chest cavity was completely full of blood. I had a Doe go about 250 yards that was double lung and bleed the whole way with no prooblem following the blood trail. Perfect shot but she was amped up and nervous when I shot her. If your confident in your shot, never give up on trailing them because if you've hit them good they will be down. doesn't matter how many deer are still out there. You owe it to the animal to make a strong effort of recovering them.

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I hit two high last year. The first one bedded down about 400 yard from where I hit it. Someones dogs found it and I followed the barking and put a second shot in it. The second on I got lucky and hit the femoral artery and the thing left a blood trail Ray Charles could follow. She dropped in about 75 yards still in my sight.

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