RIP Dvd to Ipod?


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I bought an IPod touch mainly for travel. I have downloaded a few movies from Itunes but that gets expensive quick. I would really like to take my fairly extensive DVD collection and be able to RIP them to the IPod.

I bought one software that does it but the movie files are literally something like 8gb. I have an 8gb ipod so you can see my delima. The movie files ive dowloaded from Itunes were like 2gb so I can get several on there and still have room for songs, pictures, etc.

Anyway have an idea of a good software or method? I know you can use Realplayer to download videos off of youtube and then use the realplayer converter to upload them ipod. However, I dont know of any tricks to use dvd or any way to get free movies online.....

Help Porfavor... :cool:

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