5 years


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I just noticed the other day I've been a member here for over 5 years. Now if you take off the year or a little more I didn't post any that makes 4 either way ya'll are a great group of people. Made some great friends.

On the other hand I wouldn't talk to some of you if I met you on the street:clown::clown::cool:

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Congrats on the 5.

Since we're being honest here, I probably wouldn't talk to you either. Reason being, I've already met two guys from the forums and I'm still trying to overcome the mental distress I went through by seeing redkneck.


Congrats on the 5 Cody.

Corey, I'll be married 15 years come Dec, and my wife has not gotten over the distress yet. Give it time, it's like a bad case of jock itch.... it will pass one day. :yes:

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