Fletching Color...


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Re: Fletching Color...

I'm just the oppisite from you guys with the bright colors. I used to use two green and a white but in a tree you stand out like a sore thumb and can be picked out a mile away. I know it is not likely but I blamed deer looking right up at me because of these bright fletchings. I now use two blacks and a white and for the past two seasons I have not had a single deer pick me out in the tree while being perfectly still. Probably just a coincedense though???

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Guest Sagitarius

Re: Fletching Color...


I'm just the oppisite from you guys with the bright colors. I used to use two green and a white but in a tree you stand out like a sore thumb and can be picked out a mile away. I know it is not likely but I blamed deer looking right up at me because of these bright fletchings. I now use two blacks and a white and for the past two seasons I have not had a single deer pick me out in the tree while being perfectly still. Probably just a coincedense though???

[/ QUOTE ]Clouds are white too just keep that in mind.

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Re: Fletching Color...


I'm just the oppisite from you guys with the bright colors. I used to use two green and a white but in a tree you stand out like a sore thumb and can be picked out a mile away. I know it is not likely but I blamed deer looking right up at me because of these bright fletchings. I now use two blacks and a white and for the past two seasons I have not had a single deer pick me out in the tree while being perfectly still. Probably just a coincedense though???

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably not that bad of an idea when hunting, BUT I would use one of those light up Noc's for sure with that set up.

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Re: Fletching Color...

On my carbons I have 2 flourescent orange and 1 green.

On my aluminums I have 2 floursecent purple ones and 1 orange.

I like the bright colors for impact and for finding after a miss. I thought about making a cover for my quiver though to camoflauge them while on the stand. Get all decked out in camo and then have 5 bright arrows showing off to the outdoor world! smile.gif


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