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Is there an inside joke to this or am I missing something.

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Not really. We just like to get silly sometimes and make fun of each other and ourselves.

I can't remember how this picture editing thing even got started, but if anyone can give me the name of the first guy to ever post that baby buckee picture...Let me know ...please...LOL grin.gif

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Slugshooter Revived the BB thing this year.

And I reported the story of Baby Buckee escaping Jail. Hey Steve, if you look in the lounge, there is a picture of me in one of the posts. You just have to look if you want revenge. tongue.giftongue.gif

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I was going to post something smart....but thought better of ot before I become a target..even tho I have no pics. running around here..LOL

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I was going to post something smart....but thought better of ot before I become a target..even tho I have no pics. running around here..LOL

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Haven't we proven enough that we don't need actual pictures of you. We'll find something far less flattering than your actual face to use and you'll wish we had your real pic.

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