Volunteer Work At the Club


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Well I spent the last couple days at my local fish & game club doing some volunteer work. The club is building a new indoor archery / pistol range, and I was up on the roof the past couple days helping to get the metal roof on. It looks like it's gon'na be quite a building and will add to the compliment of other facilities the club is able to provide. The intended plan is to heat it with wood and hopefully will operate during the winter months as well, so I'm hoping to hone some shooting skills in the off season.

The club also purchased 48 acres of scub brush property a few years ago across the road from the original property, and have put in handicap accessible trails for 3-D shoots.

I'll likely be back at the building after thanksgiving to help out. The guy who's been the driving force behind all of the club's activities and facilities has been simply amazing and he and his family deserve a heap of gratitude from all of the local hunters and fisherpersons.

Now all I got'ta do, is let my aging old muscles heal up from all that roof work so I can manage a turkey dinner this Sunday!


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