Canadian Thanksgiving weekend


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I'm planning on carving into a Butterball sleeping pill on Monday! Stretchy pants or pants with suspenders and no belts are the order of the day?

My mom and I usualy put a big dint in a bottle of sparking white wine too, to ensure that we're fast asleep before the dishes have to be washed!

And just to keep things in perspective, YES, I have a lot to be thankful for and count my blessings every day! Have a happy and safe holiday me fellow Canuckians!


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Happy Thanksgiving all of you north of the border ;)

Those the ones without a button?:camera:

Why yes, yes they are. :clown: Drawstring on the sweatpants instead. LOL!

I've been up since 7.... got the homemade rolls finished, and will have the candied sweet potatoes done in a bit, as well as the mashed potatoes to take over to Justin's grandmothers house! Can't wait! Nom nom nom!

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