Broadhead Question


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Me and a buddy of mine over the weekend hit two deer. I used a crimson talon and he used a muzzy 3 blade. We had good blood but unluckyl never got either of the. Needless to say ti wasn't a good weekend at all.I was just wandering what every recommends and how the shoot.. Just details basically. For example

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Muzzy is one of the best fixed blade heads on the market. I shoot a 100grn muzzy three blade. They leave a good hole and hit hard.

The one thing to keep in mind is that archery equipment will not do well with a marginal shot. A single lung shot with a bow can result in an animal traveling miles, miles, and more miles.

Make sure youre using very sharp heads, try to take out both lungs or the heart, and dont take any risky shots.

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Don't get hung up on your broadheads, both of those are proven killers and a tractor trailer couldn't pull the deer that have been stacked up by either one. It's all about shot placement, and sometimes some luck (or lack thereof) comes into play big time. Make sure your bow is shooting the broadheads true, if not then fix it or shoot mechanicals.

Just my 2 cents.

I buried a muzzy in a doe's shoulder 2 years ago and didn't find but one drop of blood. It was all my fault, it takes a tremendous amount of energy for a BH to hit the main shoulder bone of a grown deer and follow through to an exit hole. I should have hit her back farther, but these things happen.

Best luck to you on the next attempt.

Edited by redkneck
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^^^^^Great post Redneck. Muzzy's have been dropping deer for years and are one of the most reputable heads out there. I've shot Crimson Talons for about 5 years now without any complaints. The only deer that made it more than about 40 yards was a liver hit doe last season. She went about about 150 yards, but my shot was simply too far back.

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I'm having excellent luck with the Shwackers this year. I've killed five so far this season with them, and they've all been clean pass-throughs with excellent blood trails and no tracking jobs over 75 yards.

I was shooting the Magnus Stinger Buzzcuts last year. They penetrated very well, but the blood trails were not nearly as good as what I'm getting now.

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Don't get hung up on your broadheads, both of those are proven killers and a tractor trailer couldn't pull the deer that have been stacked up by either one. It's all about shot placement, and sometimes some luck (or lack thereof) comes into play big time. Make sure your bow is shooting the broadheads true, if not then fix it or shoot mechanicals.

Just my 2 cents.

I buried a muzzy in a doe's shoulder 2 years ago and didn't find but one drop of blood. It was all my fault, it takes a tremendous amount of energy for a BH to hit the main shoulder bone of a grown deer and follow through to an exit hole. I should have hit her back farther, but these things happen.

Best luck to you on the next attempt.

I'd say the exact same thing........without the southern drawl... :D

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You can split hairs all day long on the details. I actually enjoy talking about the technical stuff but it all boils down to shot placement.

One mistake people make is they don't practice with their broadheads enough. Shoot the broadheads often. Put the field points away well before the season starts. My two cents.

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Don't get hung up on your broadheads, It's all about shot placement, and sometimes some luck (or lack thereof) comes into play big time. Make sure your bow is shooting the broadheads true, if not then fix it or shoot mechanicals.

Just my 2 cents.

Best luck to you on the next attempt.

can I say DITTO :yes:

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You can split hairs all day long on the details. I actually enjoy talking about the technical stuff but it all boils down to shot placement.

One mistake people make is they don't practice with their broadheads enough. Shoot the broadheads often. Put the field points away well before the season starts. My two cents.


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