Trail Camera


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Is it set up on your way to your stand? If so, get it when you go hunt. Take a second card and just switch out the cards so you can view them when you get home to your computer. When I had cams out I had to change cards every 6 days. I was getting to many deer pictures, normally 650-800 in those 6 days. I was not worried about my scent since the farm I was hunting was in the city limits surrounded by a school, 3 neighborhoods and a park. It was an amazing spot. I sure do miss it.

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Depends on some factors. How much activity and how likely it is you will bump deer getting to it. If the activity is high like a mineral site I like to check them every week to 10 days. In places where it is likely I might bump deer I let them go for a little longer. This time of year on the weekends I often check them on the way back from the stand.

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Is it set up on your way to your stand? If so, get it when you go hunt. Take a second card and just switch out the cards so you can view them when you get home to your computer.

It's about 20 yards to the right of my stand.

Depends on some factors. How much activity and how likely it is you will bump deer getting to it. If the activity is high like a mineral site I like to check them every week to 10 days. In places where it is likely I might bump deer I let them go for a little longer. This time of year on the weekends I often check them on the way back from the stand.

Activity, from what I can tell, is very little as of now and the chances of bumping deer are minimum.

Once a week is what I was thinking. Depending on the amount of pics I get the first few pulls, I might switch it up and pull the card every 10-15 days.

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places that aren't far off the beaten path I check once a week. the ones farther out i try not to check as often. depends on how many pictures i'm getting and battery life, but I try to leave them for as long as I can. hunting season i may check them on the way to the stand if deer walk by my stand to get there. i'm going to pull all my cards a day or two before the Sat. opener this weekend.

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Depends where its at and how many pics I get on it in a certain amount of time.

If Im getting 800 pics or more in a week, then I check it once a week. If I wait any longer the card gets full. If the camera is taking alot less than that then I might check it once every 2 weeks. A camera thats by a stand I will check when I go in to hunt.

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Depends on some factors. How much activity and how likely it is you will bump deer getting to it. If the activity is high like a mineral site I like to check them every week to 10 days. In places where it is likely I might bump deer I let them go for a little longer. This time of year on the weekends I often check them on the way back from the stand.

Sounds about what I do....

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I'm brand new at this trailcam thing so there is quite a novelty factor involved, and I seem to have difficulty going any longer than once a day ..... lol. I know that's excessive, but I still get a bunch of pictures everytime I check. I'm sure that will eventually wear off a bit, but it's kind of like checking a trapline ...... I just can't wait to see what I got. I've got two cameras out, and they are not far from the house and real easy to get to.


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If I'm just monitoring areas I'll check and move them every 6 to 10 days. If I'm wanting to check what's laying sign near one of my stands I'm thinking about hunting I may switch the card after 1 or 2 days to check to see if there's a mature buck I want to hunt going through it during legal hunting hours. That is especially the case if I know the wind will be right to hunt the stand in a day or 2 but wrong at the time I set the trail cam.

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