Slow Go So Far


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So far this year has not been productive. Me and a buddy have hunted a lot and so far got a bum hit on doe which i think i should have killed. I seem to have hit a string of really really bad luck recently. Just wondering if anybody else is having any luck. I wanna hear some good kill stories and your opinions on rage broadheads if yall' dont mind

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i have killed 2 does so far and i have to say i have never liked rage for the penetration but i love them for the blood trails. granted i do shoot low poundage and have a short draw so most the time the rage heads stop on the off side ribs and then they break my arrow but they are pouring buckets of blood and everytime they move their leg the rage and what's left of the arrow a augering the lungs and heart needless to say they don't make it far.. compaired to my magnuss snuffers i always get a pass through 2 small holes and minumal but deadly damage to the lungs the blood trail is usually decent and they usually run about 50-75 yards compaired to 20-40 with the rage heads

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