Deer Scents


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I've had a few guys asking me about using stuff like Tinks 69,Trails end 307 and some others this early in bow season. I am no expert so i thought i would bring it up here. I know it's early, and the rut is a few weeks away, and the moon plays a part in this . So give your opinions, i will tell you that i do not use anything this early myself. thanx jeff

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dominant buck, and regular doe urine's are OK to use now, but I like to wait until about 2 weeks before the rut to pull out the estrous scent.

My theory is, "I want to be the first doe on the block to smell good" ..LOL:) and it seems to work for me at times.

That's the thing with deer scents though. Sometimes they just don't seem to work at all, but man..when they do..they work like a Hot Dang :yes:

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