How many hunters own double barrels ??


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Re: How many hunters own double barrels ??

I've got 2.

One is actually my dad's, but he doesn't hunt anymore. It's a Dan Arms 20 gauge O/U

The other one was given to me by my brother in law. He was serving overseas in the Air Force with an airwing that supported the Iraq war. The gun he gave me is a 12 gauge O/U--I don't know if there's a brand name on it to be honest, I've never shot it, and don't plan to.

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Re: How many hunters own double barrels ??

Over the years Ive had alot of doubles, both o/u and sxs. Right now I have a couple of browning citori's o/u'ers, and then a Fox Sterlingworth sxs, and a Ugartchea sxs. All are 12 gauges. I shoot the Ugartchea really well and go back and forth between it and the o/u's whenever Im upland hunting. The sterlingworth i dont shoot much as its in pretty good shape and I'd like to keep it that way.

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Re: How many hunters own double barrels ??

I have a Steoger Condor DU Edition O/U I won at a banquet. Nice shooting gun but I need more practice with it. Just not the same as my SX2!

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Re: How many hunters own double barrels ??


This gun isnt for hunting anymore i re-blued and sanded the stock and we put our names on the stock so who ever ends up with it wont ever sell it or hopefully wont hunt with it.

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That is a perfect one hunt a year gun. Take it on one hunt to honor its past and each person gets to enjoy it like the previous hunters did. I would not tote it all season but for an occasional careful hunt, why not?

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Re: How many hunters own double barrels ??


Awesome laugh.gif I would love a .410 or .28 in a o/u.

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You can have one real easy. Get the tubes from Briley and you can turn your 20 ga Beretta into a 28 ga or .410 bore. Briley Tube Sets

For a .410 bore set, you may have to have the inertia triggers worked on to be sure they will set for the second shot.

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Re: How many hunters own double barrels ??



Awesome laugh.gif I would love a .410 or .28 in a o/u.

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You can have one real easy. Get the tubes from Briley and you can turn your 20 ga Beretta into a 28 ga or .410 bore. Briley Tube Sets

For a .410 bore set, you may have to have the inertia triggers worked on to be sure they will set for the second shot.

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I wouldnt use them for much other than targets. I had the chamber mates in 28 for spring skeet team and they dont pattern to hot, out of my citori anyway.

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Re: How many hunters own double barrels ??


There is a big difference between Chamber Mates and full length tubes. Full length tubes pattern very nicely allow the shooter to shoot 4 gauges with one gun. They use choke tubes to regulate the patterns, just like a typical barrel.

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Re: How many hunters own double barrels ??

Hey strut how do you like those stoegers? They are so inexpensive I was scared they'd be junk. Do you like them? I've always shot pumps but I'm buying a side by side as soon as those gold labels come out. Would have picked up a stoeger this year but was wary.

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Re: How many hunters own double barrels ??



There is a big difference between Chamber Mates and full length tubes. Full length tubes pattern very nicely allow the shooter to shoot 4 gauges with one gun. They use choke tubes to regulate the patterns, just like a typical barrel.

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Thanks AJ, I always wondered about the full tubes, esoecially after owning the chamber mates....guess i should have looked at the link you provided before opening my big trao grin.gif

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