Kids these days!


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Any of you seen the show on MTV teen mom?

Jenn loves it. It follows 4 girls who were pregnant at 16 and the struggles they face. It's full of violence, turmoil, and disrespect.

My friend is an elementary education major and interviewed a 5th grade class today. This is what one little girl answered with.

in a survey given today to a 5th grade class by a friend of mine, one question was "what are your future goals/interests for highschool" little 5th grade girls reply: "To hurry up and get pregnant so i can be on TEEN MOM"..i'd hate to be the mom on Par/Teach Confernce day.

Alls I can say is....OH MY!

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And that is from Parents not monitoring what their children watch on TV...sadly

You are what you eat.

Man you couldn't have hit the nail any more square on the head. MTV tries to show the heartaches and troubles but all the kids see is that these people get famous from the show. The other day a lady at work was reading one of those Star or people magazines and it had one of the girls from that show in there. They had a big article in it and glorified her for what she was doing. Just don't make sense to me.

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I have seen and watched that show before. It is put out there to show the consequences and try and prevent teen pregnancy. Hopefully she does not see this as a way to live a normal life and does not try to imitate the lives of the people on this show.

That is the premise, but the bottom line and ratings is the ultimate goal of any of this reality crap. No matter how they spin it is done in such a way to lose its message with adults let alone young girls.

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Isn't MTV supposed to be about music??? It's kind of sad, but at 25 I sit here disgusted at a lot of the shows my generation considers to be good entertainment. I can understand how it could be funny to some people as they watch a walking trainwreck implode on national television, but I honestly just feel sorry for these idiots.

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Yep I cant stand all these dumb reality tv shows.

I would have to say that this little 5th grader girl doesnt really understand what she is saying. She has no real concept of life, goals, and even what having a child would entail. I would bet that by the time she is 3 or 4 years older and more mature, her thoughts of having a baby during her teens would have switched 180 degrees. I knew several girls in highschool that were pregnant and I cant remember one that had planned it that way.

Im not defending the show, and kids this age probably shouldnt watch it, but I doubt its gonna make abunch of little girls want to grow up and have babies during high school.

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And that is from Parents not monitoring what their children watch on TV...sadly

You are what you eat.

BINGO! One thing that 20 years of public education has taught me is that the apple never falls far from the tree. I remember one time we had a student moon a nun as she walked by the school. The assistant principal called the parent and their response was "So?"

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Mtv when I was a kid had music videos, not sure what that channel is about these days, only music channel we ever watch anymore is cmt and that is rare as they too have gotten away from what they were when they first came out. My kids do not watch the type crap that aires on mtv, neither do we.

Kids learn from home or whereever their parents leave them(daycares, sitters, or whatever), if the parents are absent or do not monitor, what more can you expect. Further if the parents encourage this type thing it is really the parents fault and not the kids, so the idea of "kids these days" maybe should really be more so "parents these days". That said I have a hard time calling someone who lets the idiot box raise their kids a parent .

Sometimes as a parent you have to make sacrifices, been a struggle for us with our situation and basically going to one income, but think it will be worth it in the long run with knowing our kids get the right type of raising and parental supervision.

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Mtv when I was a kid had music videos, not sure what that channel is about these days, only music channel we ever watch anymore is cmt and that is rare as they too have gotten away from what they were when they first came out. My kids do not watch the type crap that aires on mtv, neither do we.

Kids learn from home or whereever their parents leave them(daycares, sitters, or whatever), if the parents are absent or do not monitor, what more can you expect. Further if the parents encourage this type thing it is really the parents fault and not the kids, so the idea of "kids these days" maybe should really be more so "parents these days". That said I have a hard time calling someone who lets the idiot box raise their kids a parent .

Sometimes as a parent you have to make sacrifices, been a struggle for us with our situation and basically going to one income, but think it will be worth it in the long run with knowing our kids get the right type of raising and parental supervision.


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