Morning drive, PIC Heavy


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I don't know why I thought to do this but I started taking pics this morning and just didn't quit, I know some people don't have a great comute to work so I thought I'd share mine with you. Here in Juniata county we don't make a bunch of money but the life style is wonderful. the first pics are from the bottom of the drive way looking back at the mountain



then we have Carlee getting on the bus


next we kiss Cadee good bye and head out the door


up the ridge on the other side of town and snap a pic back towards the Tuscarora Mountain


the next images are random shots on the way to town, just some nice pics




this was some of the traffic I face every day, I know some of you will appreciate that


coming over the hill rolling into town


this nice girl gives me coffee every morning


rolling into the office to start my wonderful day


enter the office and get ready to post the pics of the morning


I hope you enjoyed you morning drive with me, have a great day all.

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Wow, I love Autumn (or Fall, whatever you want to call it)... I love the colors... Our trees (in East Texas) take a long time to turn colors, of course, due to our weather... but after we returned from our antelope hunt in Wyoming, I noticed our trees had already started to change... I took some pics in Wyoming, too (of trees, etc... besides our hunting successes of course).

Thanks for sharing them. I hope it's okay to mention this here, but I have also uploaded and posted my pics (with restrictions) in Panoramio (part of Google)... which are also used in Google Earth.

Beautiful pics! :)

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