Ground zero ..let's stop a think a minute


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If you are a Canadian or an American, be it a Christian, Jew or otherwise, you should watch the attached. Perhaps this is why nothing is ever said by the Muslim community about the atrocities being perpetuated against us by the "radical" Muslims. They're one and the same. In Markham Ontario north of Toronto the Muslims built a mosque and stipulated that no Christian church could be built within 3 miles to the mosque. Now watch this video.

Strategy behind ground zero mosque... this video explains it all. Extremely well done!

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Thanks for posting that Steve. I have known this thing about victory mosques for quite some time now. Glad the word is getting out.

I agree it should not be built. It is a slap in the face of all Americans. Many in this country have become too soft and are afraid to fight or stand up for what they believe in for the fear of being called racist.

Come the politicos who is REALLY in charge of this country...Re elect no one. New broom sweeps clean.

Hows that change workin' out folks? A nice terrorist friendly White house huh?

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