New Duck Blind - Come On 2005 Season

Bow Hunter Derek

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I got a little over ambitious this winter and decided to build a new duck blind and get it out while the ice is on the little beaver pond that I hunt. There is no good way to hunt this pond other than wading out into the thick mucky water and hunkering down in the vegitation. After about 8 years of hunting it this way, this blind will be a welcome addition.

The pictures don't really do it justice. I covered the frame with chicken wire and then wire tied military type camo netting all over it. Then I weaved in native sticks to break up the outline. I'm hoping after next year's vegitation growth the blind will melt into the background.

I can't wait for next October to test it out!

This picture is as the ducks will see it on the way in.


This is a closer up picture. By this point, the ducks won't be seeing much of anything. grin.gif


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Re: New Duck Blind - Come On 2005 Season

Thanks for the complements!

Yea, I take the duck hunting pretty seriously. I love hunting this little pond. It is full of woodies and mallards all season. I've dumped a bunch of woodies, mallards, teal, geese, and even a couple black ducks in this place over the years.

I already am pumped for October to get here.

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