Mule Deer Doe Down!


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I have been bowhunting hard since Sept 1 and still have not shot anything with my bow. I went out hunting with Bret(sureshot) last night and he had his his musket with him since muzzleloader season has been open since oct 1 so we were hoping to get a doe with it if we could not get close enough with a bow. We had seen this muley doe eating in a hay field right near a pasture. We watched her for a bit then she crossed the fence into the pasture. Bret and I walked up slowly and cautiously to the fence and there she was bedded down at about 20 or 25 yards. I clipped on my release and was ready for her to stand up. She stood up, but not long enough for a shot. She then ran to about 70 or 80 yards. Bret handed me the musket and I rested it on top of a fencepost. The doe was right behind a fencepost so I could see from the front shoulder forward. I would have preffered a better shot but I thought if I could get it in that shoulder she would be done. I aimed the sights on the shoulder and squeezed the trigger. There was a big cloud of smoke so I had no idea whether I hit it(it was also my fist time ever shooting that gun so I did not have a whole lot of confidence). I looked over at Bret with this confused look on my face and he said "He's dead Brandon!" I automatically assumed I missed so I was super surprised and excited. When we walked over to her it had turned out I had hit her in the neck, but it did not take very long for her to die. Even though I wanted to shoot something with my bow, I was still really happy because it was a pretty traditional musket I was shot it with, which makes it more exciting than any rifle kill!

I would like to thank Bret for taking my brother and I hunting so many times this season and being so patient with us. My dad is busy with harvest this time of year, so he does not always have the time. I wouldn't have got that deer if it wouldn't have been for you taking me out hunting and letting me use your muzzleloader!


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congrats brandon, don't forget those lead balls were hand made which makes it even cooler, I have never shot one with the hand made balls yet, The guy who made them is in Ontario now but I sent him a e-mail about it, have not heard back but I know he will be exited! I have been reloading every night this week you and your bro free on thursday night give me a holler and you can come and help while I supervise lol!!allready got close to 250 reloaded in the past 2 nights, only about 300 more and should be set! congrats again!!!

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