i've got a problem


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I've got a cedar tree about 40 yds from my stand that has a large scrape underneath it. The scrape is there year after year and for the last 3 or 4 years i've had my stand in that area. Every year I put my camera up on that tree so I know what is around. In July I got pictures of two really nice bucks walking during the day. The past month I have gotten pics of a really nice buck that I hope to get a chance at, the PROBLEM is all the bucks seem to be only moving at night, except for a small 6 point. Up until about 2 weeks I had several does coming out regularly (every evening) and now even they seem to be only moving at night. The weather has cooled down and I would think that the pre-rut would be starting here in Wi pretty soon. Any Ideas as to why they have started only moving at night? I did bump the does one evening about a week and half ago, but it had gotten kinda warm and there was a gun season going on so I didn't hunt that area at all? I keep telling myself to just be patient, but its a month into the season and the only buck i've seen while out hunting was a spike so i'm getting kinda frustrated.

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The bigger bucks don't get big being stupid. The more mature bucks will be nocturnal. That is why the rut is so effective. Those big bucks put their guard down. You have two good times to kill a mature deer. 1, very first part of the season where they are comfortable and still in bachelor groups and on feeding patterns. And 2, the rut. Good luck and keep us posted.

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After this storm rolls through, I am going to be out as much as possible. Last weekend the smaller bucks were pushing does. So I think this weekend and next week would be prime time to be in the woods. One of those big ones will screw up an walk past you during daylight.

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Yea I can't wait for this wind to stop, its unreal. I'm planning on hitting the stand friday afternoon, and i'm gonna try to hunt all day Sat. Unfortunately the buck that i'm after showed up on my camera last thursday at about 6:10 pm, and I had decided to go to the last Varsity football game of the year so i wasn't in the stand. Hopefully if the wind stops I can check the camera again on Friday when i head to the stand (there will prolly be hundreds of pictures due to the wind moving branches and setting off the camera).

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