Doubled up tonight!!!!


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I got out of work tonight and headed to the woods! Because of the wind I decided to dig into an improvised ground blind I whipped together out of some cedar bows and a couple downed trees. I pushed up close to the swamp 50 yards from the corn. I hadn't even sat down yet when the first deer appeared. A little 6 pointer. He came into 30 yards then moved off. I saw several other deer thru out the night but, none would come out of the swamp. I knew it wasn't me because they where hanging up 50 yards farther back and up wind from me. Right about 6 oclock some turkeys came thru at about 40 yards and roosted between me and the corn. Just as the turkeys started to roost I heard a snap to my left. I caught movement to my left and this guy stepped out at 20 yards. At 5 yards he felt the sting of my Thunderhead 100. He let out a yelp and ran about 12 yards, then piled up. I was watching him when I heard another sound and here came a second one, down the same trail. The second one got a face full of Thunderhead at about 3 steps. The second one took off. I don't think she made it far! But, I didn't have my flash light and by the time I gathered up the first one and packed up it was too late to wade into the dark cedar swamp. I'm heading out first thing in the morning to get the second one. This is my first yote, can't ask for a better way to get one! A bow from the ground, and a double to top it off!:gun2:





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