Illegals canvassing for votes


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I really need to stop reading the news when I get into the office as it just gets me fired up. I can't believe we are allowing this to happen. ICE needs to visit their headquarters and deport all of them. I sure as heck would call the police if an illegal came to my door asking for my vote.

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II sure as heck would call the police if an illegal came to my door asking for my vote.

Would hope most American citizens would. Unfortunately with the way things are at this point in time, then what? They should by all means be deported every time they are caught, but that just is not happening. Really is a screwed up situation we are in with regards to illegals, if state and local law enforcement agencies were able to enforce the laws on the books it would seem the illegal alien problems would be easily taken care of, but instead due to liberals and the idiotic policies the problem is only growing and at a rapid and increasingly frightening pace.

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You guys need to come to the southwest to live to get a good taste of what's going on and not reported. Our government is willing to fight wars to defend the interests of rich people (themselves usually) but not lift a finger to protect it's citizens because it will mess up trade with mexico (one of the issues that started the Revolutionary War). Things are going to get really ugly because we are going to do it ourselves. Operation Harvest (American Civil Sentinals in conjunction with the sheriffs) started the 18th and will continue until Dec. 15th. The sheriffs don't like to go into the desert anymore and welcome the extra armed people. Most of us here are fed up with the feds.


Edited by m gardner
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