Scrape question?


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A scrape dripper in the same area might increase activity at the scrape you found, or it might encourage the buck making that scrape to take over the mock scrape, either of which should not hurt. If you were to juice up the scrape you found, it would be wise to be as scent free as possible when doing so, use disposable(scent free) gloves and rubber boots. We have used scents on licking branches where there were active scrapes with pretty good results, have also had good results with the scrape drippers with mock scrapes.

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If you hunt it, make sure the stand is 30-50 yards downwind of the scrape. I have read (never witnessed) that a buck passes downwind to get a scent of it to ensure that does are coming in without adding risk to himself getting seen or shot. This means he'll be passing right by your stand. Never, ever, ever hunt directly next to a scrape.

Supposedly 80% of the time bucks check them at night for this reason. I would also hunt that baby around noon as well. Bucks get up and do a little round-a-bout about that time. Tagged a couple nice ones that way.

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