What a night


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Went out to the farm there last night to climb in a new spot we were trying and well it wasn't to bad. For a couple hours I didn't see anything but squirrels and chipmunks. I was trying to kill a squirrel for 2 hours.lol They just wouldn't come to were I could get a shot on them staying just a little to far outta range.

Then around 5 it started to pick up. I saw something move out infront of me at about 70 yards and it was a turkey. After that I saw about 15 to 20 turkey walk by I didn't really keep a count on them. A while after that I kept hearing something moving in the brush behind me. I knew it was a deer and he was moving slow. after about 20 minutes he finally stepped out about 50 yards below me on an old logging trail just working on some rubs and what not. He was a small 8pt not a shooter by no means but really fun to watch.

Then all the sudden I hear a dang 4wheeler start just going all out up and down the ridge on the neighbors property and it sounded like they flew up onto my uncles field and went down by my jeep I'm not sure tho. The farm is out and no one lives on it so my jeep is just kind of sitting up there. Anyway this crazy riding goes on for 20 mintues or more. I think it was the nieghbors becasue they don't like us up in there and they were trying to make the deer skiddish. That made the buck I was watching spook off then after that I didn't see anything else. I think I would have but who knows.

Ok so I'm getting down right there after dark and I'm walking across the flat and I get turned around.LOL I'm like crap I'm lost. I really had no idea where I was at thank God there was a full moon out and I could see that I was where I needed to be just coudln't tell.

All in all not that bad of a night had a good time.

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