Improving the Archery Industry - Announcing a Unique Bow Comparator


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Hi guys,

Just wanted to let you know that over the last few months our team have been working very hard on bringing new useful services & tools for all archers.

We are very excited to announce a New and Unique Archery Tool: Compound Bow Comparator. In a nutshell, this tool allows for comparing bows side by side: pictures, specs (at the version level), editor reviews, pros & cons, user reviews & ratings, prices. Hope you will enjoy using this tool reguralrly.

This is how it works:

1) Go to

2) Scroll down and visit the 'Tools -> Bow Comparator' page

(direct link:

3) Select up to 10 bows. Please note you can compare at the version level. For example, you can compare 2010 PSE X-Force Dream Season UF with 2009 Mathews Monster. The exact specs for the specified versions will be compared. Or you can compare different version of the same model (for example, 2008 Dream Season HF vs. 2009 Dream Season GX vs 2010 Dream Season UF)

4) Click the "Compare" button

5) Compare the selected bows - compare pictures, specs, reviews, pros & cons, ratings, and prices

If you want a quick example how it looks like here is a quick link (comparing 2008 Mathews DXT vs. 2010 Hoyt Alphamax 32 (Z3 Cam) vs. 2009 Elite Z28):

Can you please have a look and provide your feedback in this thread. Do you like this tool? If so, what do you like exactly. If not, what could be improved? We worked very hard to put it all together and we are more than happy to further improve this particular tool.

P.S. Stay tuned, more unique archery tools & services are coming. We are very excited about delivering even more useful services soon.


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By the way, we have another tool called compound bow selector. These two tolls (comparator and selector) are integrated. This gives it even more power. You can use it the following way:

1) go to the Selector tool ( or

2) specify the criteria (brace height, IBO, DL, DW, AtA, price, brand, etc.)

3) Click the 'Find' button

4) Once you see the results: have a look at the left hand side of the result table. See some checkboxes? Here we go, you can check the bows from the search result set and click the compare button at the top or at the bottom of the results table.

5) you will be redirected to the Comparator tool with the bows you just selected from the selector window.

This technique is even more powerful in my opinion.

P.S. Please note that our selector (as opposed to comparator) tool also works at the version level - when you see search results on the right hand side you see specs - thiese specs are exact matches for your search. In other words, if a model X has two versions (say 2009 and 2010) and the brace height changed from 6.5 to 7.0 in 2010 and you selected 7 in the selector you will see the specs for the matched version. In other words, this is a very accurate selector at the version level. Hope it all makes sense.


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