the muzzy's...


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The store by my house has The muzzy broadheads in the 6 pack... are these good broadheads? I started out with some cheap walmart broadheads... but I've shot two deer and missed 3 times this year so I'm out of broadheads. I've tried sharpening them but I'm not satisfied with my broad heads sharpness, ever. Are these sharp to? My brother has the 4 blade kind he hates them but I love them because they are the sharpest I've ever seen. I shot my first deer this year and my biggest buck with the cheap ones but I'm not really trusting in them.

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Yes they are great broadheads! But I wouldnt reccomend them for someone with low kinetic energy. So as long as you have an arrow with decent weight, higher pounds and a somewhat long draw length. I am shooting a 50lbs bow with a 24inch draw length and because of this I have a light arrow. And I was shooting the muzzy 3 blades and shot at a muley buck from 20 yards, put the 20 pin right on its shoulder and shot, I hit the shoulder and got no penatration. I never did find that buck and a friend of ours has seen that buck and he is still alive. Because with that muzzy tip you use alot of kenetic energy. If you tried pushing that into a deer hide, it would be alot harder then pushing in a cut on contact. But if you are shooting higher kenetic energy then that tip is gonna be great because itll shatter a shoulder. But I switched to the NAP hellrazors and love them. But as long as you are shooting higher kenetic energy then muzzy are probably one of the best broadheads.

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Muzzy is the only heads I use and have been useing them for a long time. I have thought about trying something else but never can when the time comes,I'm tried and true a muzzy man. They have never let me down on anything that has been on the receiving end of one,I lost one yesterday when I missed a doe and only have one left,time to go buy some more.

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