would you have passed? mildly graphic


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This is my second bow buck, I shot it in virginia, I estimated him to be 3.5 years old... he was quartering to me hard at 30 I shot him for 25 and almost missed he poured blood like a water hose for the last 50 yards of tracking, he made it about 150. He is 15 in. Wide and has 12 points, and 2 of what I think are considered droptines, maybe kickers I'm not sure. Would you have passed? Should I have passed?




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Congrats on the buck!

  CodyCoyote said:
I was very happy with the deer, I do have a question, are the two points at the base of the rack kickers drop tines or are they not counted at all? I checked him in for a 12 point deer but I'm not really sure.

I'm seeing two nubs off the right base... that what you're counting? Always say it has to be an inch for a point, but its your deer so you call it what you want.

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  CodyCoyote said:
Front shoulder hit, but so low I almost got his elbow and it went into the low chest, I have no idea what vitals I hit.

Based on the picture and your description of the blood trail, I think you probably nicked the heart. Center punch the heart and they don't go very far, probably not 150 yards.

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Man awesome deer. The two hook points at his bases are some cool character points. Prob had a blade cut his heart with that shot.

Only way i would say that you needed to pass him is if I was sitting in the tree beside you and I could get a shot. Other than that GREAT JOB and heck of a deer with a bow or with anything for that matter.

He is a true trophy and don’t let anyone tell you any different. People watch to much TV these days and think there are 180+deer walking around everywhere. Did you pull his jawbone to check the age? a 3+yr old is a good deer. Maybe he could have grown larger or maybe the next person to see him would have taken him or he could have gotten hit by a car. After you pull the trigger never second guess your decision. Be proud of what you were blessed with because there is no taking the shot back.

Huge Congrats

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