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Seems like a tone of people on other forums are getting crazy winds yesterday and today. I know since Sunday we have had 30-45 mph winds with gust in the 50-60 and one reading on the local mountain of 101. Who else around the country is getting these crazy winds?

And for you folks east of me that are curious when they might stop, it's still windy as heck here on the west coast and it's blowing east. It's still on the way.

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Don't know what the wind speed was on the highest winds we had yesterday, but was not any worse straight line wind gusts than we have seen in the past. Would guess we did not have any gusts over 60. Everything died down here yesterday afternoon, was calm at sunset, would have been nice to have been in a stand.

Pretty calm here this morning right now, but they are calling for the winds to pick up. Hopefully they are calm this weekend for the youth hunt, temp Saturday morning is supposed to be around 25 in the town closest to us.

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It's pretty bad here in central Wisconsin. Yesterday we had gusts up to 60. Power was knocked out twice at my home so far. There were tons of trees/branches/etc all over the place on my way to work this morning. Gusts are back up to the 40's again this morning with a change at 50+ again this afternoon. I heard on the drive in this morning that we broke a new record as far as the low pressure is concerned. It will be nice when this finally dies down as I need to rake my yard again. I would like to send a saracstic thanks to all my neighbors who hadn't raked yet and now their leaves are all over the lawns of those of us that did.

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our average year around wind in gillette is 22mph. we often get 80 mph plus, and each year we'll get 100 plus at least once. if you want real winds, come to the prairie.

Yup.... Im excited when the winds dip below 15 - 20. We have had some serious winds this week too but its normal for Oklahoma in the fall. The good news is the native Pecans are hitting the ground! Time to start picking them up...

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