Outdoor Ministries No 1


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God and Nature.

Have you ever watched squirrels busily engaged in gathering nuts (acorns) and searching furiuosly for a suitable buriel grounds. Did you know that the Indians used to watch the squirrels and chipmunks and gauge the probable severity of the winter to come by their activity? If they were very busy, it presaged a hard winter, and vice versa. It seems so remarkable that God has given these little creatures a kind of built-in wisdom which tells them what to do, as we seem so poorly equipped by contrast.

Ah... but here comes the skepticism. Do you know that they most likely forget where they hide half of them? It's a pity God didn't make them altogether wise and give them better memories. Now this whole matter is becoming a little disconcerting and you wondered why God should have given them the instincts they had and not make these instincts more reliable.

God's responce came from a magazine called Science Digest, and it had an article in it that was an extracxt from 'Foresty Digest,' which was titled 'Chipmunks and Squirrels Plant 17,000 Trees per acre.' The statement came from two research workers that found chipmunks and squirrels plant about 17,000 trees per acre as a result of FORGETTING where they put their food (nuts).

What appears as a failure on the part of these little creatures turns out to be an illustration of a far superior kind of wisdom because they are, in effect, guaranteeing the future of succeeding generations of their own kind, as well as contributing towards the well-being of other creatures in the closely-knit kingdom of nature. Thus, the satisfying picture of God's superintending providence in Nature was once more restored.

Woody Mortensen


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I've posted three of my series on 'Outdoor Ministries' . There's a lot more to add regarding Outdoor Ministry prayers, activities, how to start one, etc.

Let's see how this will fly. It would be ideal if there was a subject or topic exclusively for Outdoor Ministries under the 'Spiritual ' category.

There are many Christian Outdoor Forums, but strangely enough, very few if any of them address Outdoor Ministries. And this is the most exciting thing in being in God's Magnificent Creation (outdoors)!

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