Anyone from Ontario Canada?


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Anyone else from Ontario Canada that loves deer hunting? Do you know when the rut might be and have you been going out checking for signs??

I've gone out but haven't seen know scrapes around my spot, only got an image of a doe on my game camera. Hopefully she will lure in a big buck.

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Hi I'm from London

I actually went to one of the bushes I hunt tonight looking for a scrape that was there last year and that had been worked (allthough not as big) the last time I was there on opening weekend. I didn't see it but there were lots of rubs.

I made a mock scrape (I've never tried this before) and am going to go sit saturday

Good luck

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awsome, thanks and thats cool. I'm going to try and make a mock scrape for the first time this year also, hopefully it works and I see some action. I haven't been out in the bush for about a week but I'm hoping to go in tomorrow. I want to get my treestand up and put out my camera again, then hopefully try some hunting next weekend or some time.

Good luck to you all nd happy hunting :D

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Ontarion here too. A buddy of mine was out about 3 weeks ago and mentioned that he'd seen a buck hot on a doe. Typically, the older, more mature does reach estrus a cycle ahead of all does. Assuming my buddy's observations mean early pre-rut activity or early rut, then you can tack on 28 days for a doe's estrus cycle to try and pinpoint peak rut, which should be within the next couple weeks.

I'm not actually hunting during the gun season, but expect to visit some of my friends' camps to see how they're going. I'll be out with my bow though the day after the gun season is over, which normally is in peak rut conditions for me....I hope.

I've done some mock scrape before and had some mixed results. It does work though if done at the right time and under the right conditions.


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that's some good information thanks :D Today I just went out to my spot to dump the pumpkin guts and to put my treestand up. On the way in I noticed on the trail I take to my spot there was tracks about a day old and some deer droppings everywhere. Pretty awsome to see some sign like that, I also tryed making a mock scrape so hopefully I get something on camera. I'm thinking of going out this weekend if I can make it out.

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Hi I'm from London

I actually went to one of the bushes I hunt tonight looking for a scrape that was there last year and that had been worked (allthough not as big) the last time I was there on opening weekend. I didn't see it but there were lots of rubs.

I made a mock scrape (I've never tried this before) and am going to go sit saturday

Good luck

I was out on saturday didn't see any deer but the mock scrape I made on thursday was all tore up and a new rub right beside it, also a new scrape about 20 yards away, around all the rubs I had seen thursday.

I'm not in the controlled hunt this week so I will have to wait till next week and hope that one of the muzzleloaders don't get him

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Hey, also from London. Haven't been on here in quite a while though. Mostly visit the Excalibur Crossbow forum - lots of Ontario guys there.

I Have not seen the bucks paying the does too much mind. I had a doe come charging out of the woods on Sat and stop 25 yrds in front of me peering back into the woods she came out of. Finally he came out - a nice big 8, but at 72 yards...and he did not even look at her! Just passed by! After dark a buck came through the woods behind be and worked a scrape 40 yrds behind me, then passed by at under 20 yrds, but was too dark to even see what he was.

Southwest corner of London

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I got some new footage of a doe at night at my hunting spot and then a young buck in the morning on my game camera. I did some hunting yesterday morning at my spot but got nothing, on the way out my dad and I seen a doe on the trail about a 100 yards away. I shot it and thought it was going to drop right there but it got enough energy to to get up and run.

My dad drove up right away to where I hit it and let our little pug dog out as he brought him for a ride. Pretty crazy our little pug sniffed the doe trail and followed it right away. My dad went a different way thinking thats the way the doe went, I thought my dog was going to run away cuz it was his first time in the bush so I called the dog as it was way in the bush and I started following which way the dog went. I then looked down thinking maybe he found a blood trail and sure enough he did.

I was pretty surprised thinking that a pug could never do that lol so we followed the blood trail for awhile and then it went dead :( we looked around for awhile but nothing, I didn't want to give up so I kept looking around longer, going back to the last blood spot, but nothing. I hate to see something like that happen but it happens to the best of us.

On the other hand, trying to look for that doe she led us to a more active and AWSOME hunting spot then my original. The one I'm hunting in now only had some deer dropping, no scrapes or anything, but this spot had scrapes EVERYWHERE! There was deer droppings left and right, scrapes on the ground everywhere and rubs everywhere also. It was a gold mine, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was my first time actually seeing a real scrape & rub from a deer, great signs of bucks going through. I found a nice used up rub on a tree, it was a really big rub compared to the others and it looked more used, hoping it was a sign of a big buck I put my camera on a nearby tree facing the rub. Hopefully I get some great images :D I'm going to be moving my treestand today or sometime this upcoming week.

Anyone have any success?

Edited by johnjf
made some mistakes
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