Been a while~ but we are baggin'


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Been some time since I visited the RT forums, but I wanted to drop in to share a picture of the Buck I took October 28. He came up the hill, after a large pack (13) of coyotes came through the woods. With a few convincing grunts, he managed to make his way in front of my treestand. With him at 21.5 yards and me at full draw, I managed to place a good double lung. He only went 60 yards and transpired within view... It was a perfect morning.

Ironically, he walked by the trail camera, minutes before a took the shot at him!

Should score as a typical 8 with 10 scoreable points. ISS is 16 OSS 18.5, Good mass, average G2 9" average G3 91/2", Brows are ~2 1/2"

Easily my best bowdeer to date.

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