Is Bible Prophecy Important?


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Ignoring the study of Biblical Prophecy means ignoring the study of a large part of the Bible.


*Every fourth verse in the Scripture deals with prophecy.

*The coming of the Lord is a truth of such importance that it is mentioned 318 times in the 260 chapters of the NT (on average of once every 25 verses).

*The only subject mentioned more frequently than the second coming is the subject of salvation.

*Paul mentioned the communion ordinance only twice in his 13 epistles and baptism only 13 times, but he mentions the return of our Lord 50 times!


Experience and history can aid in our study of prophecy. What we learn from historical accounts recorded in the Bible as well as the laws and commandments put forth throughout Scripture can help us better understand the prophetic parts of the Bible.

Historical accounts of the Bible can shed some light on prophecy in that we can see God working through particular circumstances to bring about future eventualities. Unlike any other book in the world, the Bible contains hundreds of fulfilled prophecies pertaining to cities, nations, empires, and individuals that can be verified in the historical record. The literal fulfillment of these prophecies demonstrates the accuracy of biblical prophecy, and it only makes sense that yet unfulfilled prophecy to be equally accurate.

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