remington 887


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This is the 887 I got ...


I heard that this model had ejection issues "after" I got it. So I decided to put it through the pace ..

I went and got 2 boxes of Remington #6 short brass in 2 3/4" and I also got 2 boxes of Remington #6 in high brass in 3" ..

I loaded her up and fired one box of the 2 3/4" as fast as I could load it .. The 887 handles this rapid fire with NO issues.

Next, I fired the next box of 2 3/4" in a normal shooting pace, again NO issues.

Next up is the 3" long brass .. rapid fire and loading went off without a issue ... So the last box was set for normal firing, this is where I found a minor issue that everyone was making such a big deal out of .. when you casually pump this this model it won't grab the high brass properly and will hang the round.

I've found that this model "887" DOESN'T like to be babied, the faster and harder you action this pump action the better it functions.

Another thing I noticed is that even after firing 4 boxes contiuously through this weapon, the barrel didn't retain much heat at all ..

My opinion on the 887 so far is a good one .. :)

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