Any rut activity in ohio


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#1 rut suppresor will be hitting Ohio this week. Temps supposed to be in the 60's all week. Approaching 70 Friday. Comfortable sit, but man, the deer hate it.

Were supposed to be in the low 70s a couple days this week. Then rain Saturday and cooler temps after that. Hopefully once we get some cooler weather it will stay that way.

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You do listen when I talk, huh? That's even my term, "rut suppressor". You spell it wrong though.... :cool:

And you still take great delight in busting my chops whenever possible. **** it's the only reason you listen to me at all, just to use it as evidence on me later.

Whose term? Your term? You wrote that for Deer and Deer Hunting? Sorry, didn't mean to jump on your copyright bro. :cool:

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And you still take great delight in busting my chops whenever possible. **** it's the only reason you listen to me at all, just to use it as evidence on me later.

Whose term? Your term? You wrote that for Deer and Deer Hunting? Sorry, didn't mean to jump on your copyright bro. :cool:

You ever been published in a major hunting magazine? I have. So there. Millions of people east of the Mississippi have seen my picture. So run and tell that, homeboy!

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People around here keep saying our deer are full rut, but I havent seen much evidence of this. From what Ive seen its business as usual for the does. Its so warm right now I just dont think they are doing much. I wonder how many people that are saying this have actually seen evidence of this from the stand, and not just assuming based on the time of year it is. Cold front coming thru here tomorrow, so that might get things going.

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I hunt SW Ohio in Clermont county. Not much to speak of this way. I've hunted 10 days this month. See a few dandy's checking scrapes and a 3ptr that will chase anything with a tail. Not sure if they are in lockdown or waiting for the cool weather this week. Either way 80percent of the activvity my way is at night on the cams. Good Luck!

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seen about 15 does and 7 bucks today... All small bucks in the morning and a potential shooter cruising at around 2:30 as I was sneaking from my morning stand to my afternoon stand. I won't be able to make it over to that woods until Thanksgiving weekend in which I'll most likely be getting stands ready for gun law... I have a good idea where I'll be opening morning.

Friday morning, the small bucks were cruising all morning... didn't get to hunt the afternoon. Most hunters I've talked to have been seeing the larger bucks in the morning or after shooting light. Some were seeing breading a couple weeks ago... who knows, pretty weak rut compared to last year as far as seeing shooters.

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