Any rut activity in ohio


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I actually got skunked last night. I wasn't able to hunt the morning, so I headed out at 2. I ran across an older scrape that had been opened up quite a bit. It was about 3'x2', and it also had just been visited as the ground was still wet. I started a Tinks drag line and set up about 50 yards to the west of it. Thought for sure I was going to see some action, but all I saw was the neighbor running a chainsaw and another neighbor just out taking a walk. I noticed a big deer in the field as I pulled out.

Weather will be cooler this week, and full moon is approaching. I took Wednesday off and will be hunting all day. I think the youth hunt this weekend will be pretty good!

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A buddy called me up and asked me what it means when a buck is bedded on the edge of a picked corn field in the open, and a doe is just in the wood line bedded as well? Lockdown.......

This makes sense, as the only bucks I've seen lately have all been dinks. The bigger, more dominant deer are already with the does all day, and the younger deer are still out looking.

I hope I'm wrong, I'm off this Wed Thurs Fri, youth season this Sat Sun.

Edited by Ohiobucks
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Just got back from Guernsey county and the action was very slow. I did not see a deer in 2 days. My buddy saw only a few small bucks. Can not explain what is going on, usually see lots of deer on my farm everytime we go. The acorn crop is out of control and I can not explain what is going on with this rut. We have been down there every week since Halloween and the bucks are dissapearing. Gonna try again this weekend, full moon is on its way. Anyone have any answers?

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we got to Cambridge on the 5th and hunted 6 days straight. I saw over 100 deer and seen many nice bucks chasing. I missed first morning, my buddies all missed once also. It got frustrating after the first 3 days, they wouldnt stop. Payed no attention to anything but that purdy tail infront of them. One thing I did notice is that the coyotes are rediculous, 3 times I had doe in the field and they we pushed out by the dogs. The last night I hunted I had a huge 7 point, busted off G3 40yrds from me and dam dogs chased him and doe out again! I would say we hit the rut on the nose...

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7 hours in the stand yesterday, 2 deer. 1 doe busted me setting up, 1 about a half mile away trotting across the field.

Rut is either on lockdown right now, or pretty much over IMHO. Pretty frustrating. Seems it never really happened for my areas.

Oh well, it was fun trying. :D

It probably happened. Just that you were not there to see it. Either in bed or at work and other commitments. It comes down to a matter of stand time and being there when it happens. We all know it can happen at the flick of a switch.

It is fun trying, indeed!

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7 hours in the stand yesterday, 2 deer. 1 doe busted me setting up, 1 about a half mile away trotting across the field.

Rut is either on lockdown right now, or pretty much over IMHO. Pretty frustrating. Seems it never really happened for my areas.

Oh well, it was fun trying. :D

I hear ya...saw and heard nothing this morning...rattled, grunted, snort/wheezed, doe bleated...nothing. Bunch of big bucks on the cameras but none with does, all out feeding by themselves. Sucks too cause I was hoping this was the week

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I am glad everyone is having the same problem I am having. Thought my farm was like a fished out pond. We have put in alot of days in the woods since Halloween and we have never had hunting like this. This year has very tough!!! Good luck to all of you. I might hold out for January with the cold and snow to try it again...

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