10-30-10 Morning Video


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Saturday morning I saw this buck working up the field edge away from me......I smacked my rattle horns together and he turned on a dime and came in.

The film is ok.....as I cut ALOT of it out the entire event it is almost 30minutes long. So there is several start and stop spots...sorry. And I didn't do any editing as far as music or titles......just raw video ;) . The the quality is ok when you upload a video to the net you loose quality...:(

Anyways he never went over to my decoy but he did keep an eye on him. He even looks up at me a time or two....just wasn't sure about that tree....but my camo must have worked. :D

At the very start of the video is about 40 yards......he made it to 15 to 20 yards and was mine.....but he needs another year....or two.


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