Excellent Encounter last night


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I didn't get out to my stand until 4:15 or so. About 5pm I noticed a big deer come out into the field about 400 yards away. I hit the grunt call twice and he made a bee-line right for me. He got to about 100 yards away and went into the woods and stopped. I hit the grunt once more and he came busting out of the woods down the field edge. He was a small basket racked 8 pointer. He stopped about 20 yards away, made a scrap and went about his way into the woods. He got a pass but it was a great show.

I did also see a doe with a buck entail. He chased her around the CRP field and back into the corn field.

Unfortunatley the next time I can get out is Thursday. Hopefully the big boys will be out and about.

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