My 12 year old sister's first buck! Pics and video!


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This morning we went out and set up on the edge of the ridge that over looked some stubble fields with alot of buffalo berry bushes mixed in. Right at day light we could see a really nice buck standing out about 300 yards to the north of us but he was inside a big hay corral so we didnt want to try shooting through the wires. A pickup drove by on the dirt road and a doe stood up that was bedded in the hay corral also. She started to trot off and he was staying right with her. The doe was still inside the hay corral and settled down and layed down again. When the buck saw the truck, he laid down in the tall grass and put his head down. He was a smart old buck!

We sat there about another hour waiting for them to get up and then started trying to make a plan on how to push them towards my Dad and little sister. Then my dad caught movement out of the corner of his eye and down in the fields below us he saw a buck going into a big patch of bushes. We looked through our binocs and saw there was 3 bucks! We had no idea where they came from. I would have bet $1000 that the 3 bucks were going to bed down in the bushes for the day but to our surprise, they came out of the bushes and all 3 started trotting closer to us. We were sitting above a few little springs so I guess they were coming to water. So my dad, little sister, our friend Dave, and I crawled to the edge of the hill and got Abby ready.

The biggest buck just kept on coming to us and we still couldnt believe our luck! I had the video camera rolling and when he was 190 yards out, Dad let out a whistle that stopped the big buck in his tracks perfectly broad side. Abby flicked off the safety and squeezed the trigger. Boom! Thwack! She made a perfect shot and he ran around 75 yards and piled up! We all hooped and hollared! We were all so proud of her and it made it just that much better that I got the whole thing on video! Even after the shot, the buck and doe in the corral didnt get up until we all stood up and started hugging and highfiving. I almost took a shot at him once he stood up but had a post in front of his vitals.

I had one happy little sister with a ear to ear smile on her face all day long. I think she has called just about everyone in our family and gone to all of our friend's house in town and shown them! So here are the pics of Abby's first buck! It ended up scoring 130" and she used her Marlin XS7Y 7mm-08 with 120gr Federal Fusions.



Abby and Dad



Abby and me


Abby, Dave, and me


Prettiest makeup she could ever wear!


And the video!

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