Ended my season yesterday


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Actually tuesday morning at 8:20, long story.. I took vacation time off work from Oct. 29th and went back Nov. 3rd so i had 5 good days to hunt and for once i timed it right. i hunted hard all year for a good buck and sat mostly all day on my 5days off and finally it came together for me tuesday morning my last morning before i went back to work. About 8:10 i rattled a little then a couple minutes later i rattled again and sure enough not two minutes later here come 2 bucks sneaking in together, the first was a shooter the second was prolly only 2 1/2yr old. I grunted a couple times and they came in on a string the first stopped on the path at 13yds and i let 'er fly. Saw the arrow hit but didnt passthru the buck almost fell down at the shot but stayed up and ran head on into a tree then trotted off. After calling my good buddy gobblerbuster618 we gave him an hour and started tracking because it looked like a great and we had good blood, probly 200yds into tracking we jumped him and immediatly backed out. I got a couple buddys from work to come out when they got off and we met up at 3:30 that evening to take up the tracking, i assumed after we jumped him that i hit shoulder and only got one lung. We tracked for close to a mile before he bedded down we never lost blood the whole way and at 6pm we jumped him again and dad saw him run across this huge wheat field..At that moment i was crushed, i was at rock bottom i couldnt believe he was still alive. We called the landowner of the woods he ran into the next day but he didnt get back to us until after dark and said it was ok to go look, not wanting to track after dark we waited till yesterday and picked up where we left off. Sure enough not 100yds in the woods there he layed. Unfortunatly the coyoted beat us to him and completely stripped him down to bones, i went ahead and tagged it anyway cuz it was my buck for the year no matter what. It was deffinatly an experience and a story to tell for years full of ups and downs but we worked hard tracking and it paid off just wasnt any meat to eat. Heres a couple pics sorry for the long post.



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Turned out i hit the shoulder and instead of penetrating the shoulderblade the arrow turned and went into his neck, the rage had close to a 3" slice on the entrance. when we jumped him at 6pm tuesday we checked him bed it had some blood in it but not alot and it was all dry so he had clotted up but as soon as he jumped and ran it opened up and we started getting fresh blood again and good blood. I really think that last run is what killed him it just sucks we couldnt get permission to track the woods till 2 days later

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sorry to hear this man, coyotes worked on him. is that where you shot him in front of the shoulder. at least you found him

thats where the arrow ended up penetrating after it hit the shoulder.. amazing how a few inches can ruin everything.. i think i have been bowhunting for 7 yrs now and this is the first deer that i have hit bad out of the 10 or so deer i have shot with bow.. i knew it was coming just hated it being a nice buck like he was

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As a DVM, I can tell you that the arrow was just above the major arteries and veins entering back into the chest (if that is the exit wound in the photo). I can only imagine that it was a matter an inch or so.

good luck to all

the dog

that was the entrance, there was no exit the arrow was cutting him bad every step he took i slit the hide all the way up the neck and everything was bloodshot and blood clots started falling out like jelly.

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Too bad the yotes got to him like that Dev. That's a nice buck. He's really wide. I know a guy who can Euorpean that skull if you're interested, lol.


Congrats bud.

We get some snow an you and Kyle are gonna have to come over for a bunny hunt now!

sounds good chris, my buddy who cuts our deer is going to get me a nice buck cape and i'm going to mount it..

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