Best yote lure for a hole set?


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my dad has a stand near a brushy swamp edge. there's an access road that horse shoes around it by the stand. I've used fox urine to pull them out of the brush. It seems to get their attention and slow them down a bit. It seems like they're never standing still! Anyway, I don't trap, but maybe that'll work. Put a some down in the hole and around it I suppose??

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Yea the coyotes seem to be doing well around here, because there seems to be a lot more than in past years. Every morning I've gone to my parent's house they've been up there. As soon as I tag out deer hunting I'm hunting them. I bet some local trapper would take them off our hands.

Looks like the fox lure wasn't a bad idea....

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when I trapped I used to keep all the guts from all the birds I shot and alot of the feathers, the feathers would go in a bag and the guts in a sealed gallon jug[pickle jar ect] and be set outside, keep it in the shade becouse if it gets to ripe it will blow the sealer lol, it would sit in there for a couple months with me stiring it with a stick every week or so, after the couple months it was ripe, I dug the hole set on a angle and set 1-2 traps in front, throw in a few spoon fulls of the ripe lure and then cover the boiled and dyed traps with usually wax paper to keep from freezing down and then sift dirt on top or if snow light skiff of snow, then grab a handfull of feathers and set on top of the lure and sprinke feathers all in front over the traps, [just a few, they will help break up the outline of the traps and add a real look to the set, then I had skunk essance I would drop a few drops over the hole, [just rememebr to weat rubber gloves and rubber boots with pants inside, coytes are unbelievable on scents, fox and coons not as bad, good luck

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