deer decoy


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It will work. Buck decoys are more effective at drawing in bucks for most of the year. A doe decoy is going to mostly draw in hostile does outside of the rut. Also, if your decoy has horns, make sure that they are a comparable size to the bucks you're after. In other words, if you are hunting 75 inch deer and you have a 160 class set of antlers, they are going to be weary of getting an arsewhoopin'. Body size can be the same way, but there's not much you can do about that.

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Last year I bought the Primos Scarface decoy. First day we used it was during the "chase" phase of the rut and a spike came right in to it. The spike was fixated on the decoy and looked like he wanted to fight it. My son shot the spike (we never found it though).

This year the first day I used it was ealier in the rut and a six point saw it at about 60 yards. He almost came out of his skin, snorted and bounded away. He then turned back and looked at it again, snorted once more, and took off.

I was using the decoy as a buck, which is a smallish 8 point rack. Today I used it as a doe, but nothing saw it to react.

The way I see it is deer have personalities just like people and these personalities change during different times of the year. Decoying simply is hit or miss, but is also a lot of fun. Good luck.

And yes, I think deer will come into a target just as fast as a decoy if conditions are right. Question is, what are the right conditions for that deer?

A friend of mine told me he had a small buck come up and sniff his Montana decoy, which is very thin. I guess the deer wasn't too concerned with a deer that is paper thin.

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