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Gonna buy a pistolla for self deffence, home deffence, and hunting deffence. Have decided on the .45 ACP. but not on brand. I figure FEAL is probably gonna be the decider on that but thought I'd get some feedback on durability and operations.

Any praises or gripes are very much apreciated.

And also, what lazer grips do you prefer?

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I am big on Glocks, but they do no make a MID-Frame Glock in 45. I do not think Beretta makes one in the 92F frame either. If you are not married to .45ACP I would recommend a Glock Mid-Size frame in .40S&W. If you are married to .45acp I would recommend SIG P220, I had to have a .45 and that's what I ended up going with and have been very happy with it.

Edited by Grady269
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If you want a 45 nothing better than the old 1911A1. There are about a dozen companies that make versions. You are bound to find one in your price range and one that is simple or has all the bells and whistles you want. Para Ordance even makes one with a double stack magazine. If the 1911 isn't to your liking the next best thing would be the Springfield XD.

As far as laser grips go Crimson trace is the industry leader for a reason. #2 isn't even close.

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  maddhunter said:
looks like I may be going with the Springfield Amory XD 45 ACP

OMG someone has finally listened to me. I feel like I was a voice shouting in the wilderness. You are obviously a brilliant man with excellent taste in firearms maddhunter. You have given my life new meaning. Those thousands of rounds, hundreds of guns and hundreds of hours at the range, woods and in the class room have not been a waste of time after all.

Actually my friends ask me for advice all the time but this has been the first time anyone has listened on here. I was just about to give up. :gun2:

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  hunterbobb said:
OMG someone has finally listened to me. I feel like I was a voice shouting in the wilderness. You are obviously a brilliant man with excellent taste in firearms maddhunter. You have given my life new meaning. Those thousands of rounds, hundreds of guns and hundreds of hours at the range, woods and in the class room have not been a waste of time after all.

Actually my friends ask me for advice all the time but this has been the first time anyone has listened on here. I was just about to give up. :gun2:

Well I don't know about the brilliant part but I sure liked the feal of the Springfield, and most of all the 5 inch barrel. I'm sure our marriage will be forever. lol

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  hungry hunter said:
Personally, I have the Ruger P-90 DC in .45, never had a misfire or jam. I have used it several times to teach Combat handgun courses and Law Enforcement Courses, some say it's too bulky. It has never failed me forget lazer grips, learn REACTIVE shooting just my 2cents concerning lazers.

I mainly want to add the lazer grip for my wife and son when I am not home. Hopefully they will never need it but I don't want them to miss when their life depends on it.

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  hungry hunter said:
Personally, I have the Ruger P-90 DC in .45, never had a misfire or jam. I have used it several times to teach Combat handgun courses and Law Enforcement Courses, some say it's too bulky. It has never failed me forget lazer grips, learn REACTIVE shooting just my 2cents concerning lazers.

+1 on the Laser grips. I use them to teach people to dry fire and break the trigger and not waver off target after the trigger break but they are useless in combat or competition. The XD is a fine handgun. The only thing you may want to do is have a gunsmith smooth up the trigger pull. I don't have mine anymore since my stepson took it home with him a few months back.


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Definately love my new SA XD .45 It shoots and handles like a dream. When I bring it up to target the sights are lined up and ready to shoot. I beleave I may have switched ADDICTIONS from flat shooting, yote snipeing rifles to good handleing, hard hitting pistols. Man I love shooting it. Have put about 200 rounds through it and it's barely a week old. It is now loaded with Hornady TAP loads.

Well thanks for the input. You guys have once again have helped me buy something I will have and love forever. I think I just shead a tear. lol

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