why camo and not all hunter orange?

total disaster

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been thinking alot and yes thats scary LOL deer are suppose to be color blind right ?? I know a few color blind ppl and they all tell me if I was to dress in camo I would stick out like a sore thumb but if I wear orange I would blend in and they cant see it well ....so do we just feel better wearing camo that we think blends in or should we dress head to toe in orange?

just something thats been on my mind

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It's more about breaking up your outline and not really fitting in full body into the surroundings. Full orange, or any color, will create a distinct outline of a shape. Anything to break the outline of a human body is better than a solid color when it comes to being in the woods or field.

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Deer can see the green and blue end of the color spectrum better than they can see the orange and red end. If you wear just blue jeans, deer will be able to pick you out. They see orange and red as more of a gray or a dull color like that is what the latest I have read says. But like the two guys above have said camo is alot about what looks to the human eye and we wear it more to break up our outline against a tree or a tree tops while hunting.

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It's more about breaking up your outline and not really fitting in full body into the surroundings. Full orange, or any color, will create a distinct outline of a shape. Anything to break the outline of a human body is better than a solid color when it comes to being in the woods or field.

Yep, with Ben on this. Deer do see the color spectrum differently than we do, but they are not color blind as some suggest.

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I have croutched down in the middle of a field wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt before because I saw deer come into the field. As long as I set perfectly still, they didnt notice me at first, and when they did, instead of spooking they actually came closer out of curiosity. Movement will get you into trouble in the deer woods more than the color clothes you wear.

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I prefer to stay all camo, but abide by state law when it calls for it. Deer can see reds, else they would not spook at the IR going off on my cam. Even if deer were totally color blind, I also do not like to spook turkeys as they move by.

Just my 2 cents, but a good flashlight would prevent more hunting "accidents" than hunter orange. Folks I've heard of or known to get shot by IDIOTS were coming out at dark. I always have my light on when coming out, esp with my kids. If I happened to forget the light, I have even brought out the cell phone which would be impossible to mistake me for a deer from a mile away with the light it gives off at dark. My cousin's husband was gut shot with a 30-06 ballistic tip when some dip$%^& mistook the climber strapped on his back as antlers. He was hunting way to late, and a good light would have saved his life, he made it ten days before he died.

PS - Men do not wear "hoodies". :no:

Edited by redkneck
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