Water Water Everywhere!

m gardner

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I found lots of water left out along the highway that the Mule Trains and Illegals use where I hunted near the mexican border. A group called No More Deaths ( www.nomoredeaths.org) They were cited for littering by the forest service but the 9th circuit court overturned the ruling and said it was okay that they help the drug runners (and the group admits that their activities do help them) but it wasn't really littering and okay that 10,000 plastic jugs left by them adorned our wild areas. You or I would be paying the fine if we even left a piece of paper on federal land after camping! Just more eveidence that the feds want the border left open at all costs.

water 5.jpg






Edited by m gardner
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The only thing that comes to mind is Wow. It amazes me that citizens of this country don't seem to mind we are being overrun at our southern border. I would have put a shotgun blast through those bottles.

Rest assured EVERYTHING we found is of no use to the cartel now. The drug runners call us F---ing Vengeful Gringos and are somewhat frightened now.

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I would leave a note with all the bottles that said. "One bottle has been poisened here and in every other drop site. It's up to you to guess which one." It's more fun to mess with their minds plus then if you miss some areas they will never know for sure if you have been there.

Plus I'm sure I don't have to tell you this but be careful when messing with these people. They have no fear of our law enfforcement agancies. Make sure you are well armed and careful at these sights. Booby traps are always a possibility.

Edited by hunterbobb
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