More muley does down!


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Yesterday Carson and I filled the rest of our muley doe tags. First place we went to was in the community pasture, which no cattle are in there this time of year. We were driving along one of the trails and seen some muleys off the road. I got out of the truck and was getting ready to shoot but then they trotted off not offering me a shot. We drove a bit further and seen that they did not go much further so then I got out of the truck, got down on the shooting sticks and aimed the crosshairs on one of the does. I pulled the trigger and she dropped like a sack of hammers. I misjudged my yardage so I ended up hitting high, so I put another shot into her to finish her off. I was using our new .300 win mag so it wasn't really a big deal that I made a bad shot. :D So we field dressed her, loaded her up and continued on with our day hoping to get my brother Carson(muleyman) a doe, and hoping Bret (sureshot) and his daughter could fill their tags.

We then went to another spot we always see deer. After walking for quite a while, we finally seen a doe about 200 yards away up on a hill. Carson, my dad, and I all get down and I range the deer for Carson. I tell him 206 yards and wait till she turns broadside. She turns broadside and Carson smacks her, making a decent shot that does not take her long to die. After congratulating Carson, we had to figure out how to get to the deer because it was on the top of a hill surrounded by thick brush. When we got to the deer we had to drag it to the top of another hill, and figure out a way to get her to the truck. We gutted her out and my dad decided to stay with the deer and Carson and I would walk back to the truck. We then drove over to the gate so we could get into the pasture. We drove a ways through the pasture and unloaded the quad from the back of the truck( I don't know what we would have done without it!) Carson and I drove around a bit trying to find the trail that would lead us up to the deer. We finally got there and loaded up the deer. We then seen Bret out on another hill, so then Dad said he would meet us over there. We went and unloaded the deer at the truck, and then went over to see how Bret was making out. It turned out that they had filled their doe tags too. It turned out to be a great day of hunting and it's going to be some good eating!

My doe


Carson's doe


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