Where is Mr Big?


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I went out tonight with my decoy just to see what would play out. No action at all until about 15 minutes to last light. I spotted a lone doe feeding in the cut corn quite a ways out. It wasn't much after that and a big racked buck had her running around the field. He was limping pretty bad as if someone hit him in the shoulder.

The doe popped through the fence row down into the field I was watching. Mr Big was a little confused. Of course it is hard to get a picture in low but I did get an image. Can anyone find him? Just a yes or no will do.


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Saw him before I scrolled down Mike.

I figured you would pick him out, William.:disolve:

I played your game before scrolling down, because I know there is ALWAYS heavy fingers on the keys. LOL LOL I did find him, too. Great pic Mike.

Thanks, SS... LOL, like the kid in the back of the class doing backs flips and somersaults waving frantically to the teacher hoping to show how smart he is without reading the assignment. :clown:


the fence row really makes it hard, but I think I still counted 10 points on that BIG guy

Good eyes! Actually, I think he might have a couple kickers to make him better than a 10. I have to see if I can get a better picture up close. He is over 100 yards away. Was hard to count in the binoculars. ;)

I have a 26 inch monitor and I don't see anything?

Not even a picture, Ace? :confused:

Thanks for at least trying to play the game....:yes:

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