Where's Mister BIGGER??? LOL

Straight Shooter

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This in tradition of Mike's (ruttnbuck) picture of Where's Big Boy? I ran across this picture today on one of my thumbdrives. I didn't take but wish I had, once you find this buck for all you computer guru's. BY ALL MEANS ZOOM IN ON HIIM! This picture was taken in Va. two season ago about 200 yards from the plant I was doing a product line tranfer back to NC. Look at the Semi-trucks through the trees. This buck is phenominal in size and will blow your mind, to the best of my knowledge no one tagged him, what a shame.

Mike, I'm not trying to steal your thunder but this buck is awesome. You folks have to zoom in on him when you find him.


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I would like to see that pic zoomed in and not pixelated(sp). There is no way his rack goes to his hams! I must be seeing something off here. It looks like a huge buck with a rack that you could fit around his back legs and his neck, with tines that would measure the same measurement from his belly line to the top of his back. I must be seeing something different.

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i dont need to zoom in to see his rack he goes over 20 inside pretty easy

Your right, he is very wide. esily over 20 inches wide. Just looking at the normal picture you can see his rack, the two bright areas are his rack.

I would like to see that pic zoomed in and not pixelated(sp). There is no way his rack goes to his hams! I must be seeing something off here. It looks like a huge buck with a rack that you could fit around his back legs and his neck, with tines that would measure the same measurement from his belly line to the top of his back. I must be seeing something different.

Not quit to his hams but dang close. It doesn't blur out much on my computer when I zoom in, but his has it all width, mass, and height.

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