Some pics from the deer hunt


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It was a great hunt for our gang! We ended up getting 3, would have been 4 if the darn wolves hadn't of got the one that one of the guys shot right at last light and let it lay overnight since it ran a couple hundred yards. Got there the next morning bright and early, track the blood trail and find the deer ripped to shreds. :( I never ended up getting one myself. But I got to see my best friend get his first deer, and one of the other guys' son get his first deer. That was just as nice as getting one myself!

Got to the camp Friday night, got up Saturday morning and Dave takes his first deer less than 1/2 hour into the hunt. It was a button buck, good sized body though!


Group pic of the gang


Canada Jay having a snack of venison scraps :eat:


Becky warming up by the fire


Sprawled out on the couch :D


Greydon's (13) first deer, big bodied 11 pointer, busted brow tine but of course we counted it for him. ;) Proud dad, brother and Becky beside.


Overhead shot, he tipped the scales at 204lbs field dressed, 250+ on the hoof


The 3 shooters. Murray (right) shot the big doe in the middle


Another group shot


Last day of rifle season, the sunrise this morning.


For those who have me on facebook, check out my mobile album, hunted with my uncles and cousins yesterday, 2 8-pointers taken, one big one and one smaller one. Also have a pic of my uncles monster 7 pointer he shot last week, it is huge!

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